Michelson Found Animals Foundation

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Found Animals Foundation (FAF), is a privately funded nonprofit dedicated to reversing the outcome for the three to four million animals euthanized each year in the United States while working alongside the animal well-being community to achieve one goal: find the big ideas that advance the safety of animals in our homes, our shelters, and everywhere in between.

From microchips and registration, to responsible adoption initiatives and low-cost spay and neuter, the Found Animals Foundation is committed to delivering practical solutions that will ensure the health and safety of dogs and cats everywhere. Properties and business platforms supporting the FAF programs include Adopt & Shop retail stores, Found Animals Registry, and Michelson Prize & Grants, a $75M program that exists to incentivize research through prize philanthropy and grant funding to rapidly develop a permanent, single-dose, nonsurgical sterilant for male and female cats and dogs.


Adopt & Shop | Retail Pet & Adoption Stores | Store Design


Specialty Packaging Concept & Design