Specialty Packaging Concept & Design

Home Entertainment | Gaming | Promotional

Your product is unique, and its packaging should be, too. As shoppers browse the aisles at a retail store, they are judging an item by what they can see of it. Usually, the first thing they see is the box, bag, or other type of package containing the product. Like the cover of a book or the sign on a storefront, branded retail and specialty packaging tells the consumer what they can expect to find on the inside. Branded retail and specialty packaging should be informative, eye-catching, protective, and appropriate or relevant to both the product and the consumer.

Entertainment Specialty Packaging

Consumers often have high expectations for how their favorite movies, television and music are packaged. Those who have waited several months for a new release are looking for attractive, interesting and high-quality packages they will be proud to display. With an increasing number of entertainment companies and artists offering collector series packaging and premium give-away items, the culture surrounding entertainment products has shifted away from the old days of simple boxes or cases. An innovative and detailed entertainment package should reflect the quality of the content inside and encourage someone to invest in a physical product. This becomes especially true as more and more consumers are opting to stream entertainment materials.


Michelson Found Animals Foundation


Merchandising Displays | POP | Trade Shows | Retail Environments